DigComp 2.2, abbreviation of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, provides a common language to identify and describe key areas of digital skills. It is a tool developed at European level to improve citizens’ digital skills, help policymakers formulate policies that support the development of digital skills and plan education and training initiatives to improve the digital skills of specific target groups.   The novelties of DigComp 2.2. and the fields of application Respect to the previous version, DigComp 2.2 updates key aspects for defining digital competence and provides more than 250 new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes that help citizens to engage easily, critically and safely with new and emerging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence driven systems, remote working, accessibility. It is an important tool for the world of education and training, as well as for all citizens, serving multiple purposes, in particular in the context of employment, education and training and lifelong learning. In addition, DigComp was adopted at European level to build the Digital Skills Indicator, the Digital Skills Index, which is used to define policy objectives and monitor the Digital Economy and Society (DESI), the Digital Economy and Society Index. Another example of application is in the Europass CV to allow jobseekers to assess their digital skills and include the assessment in their Curriculum Vitae. DigComp 2.2 is distributed under Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).



Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


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