Record participations in the 4th International Student Competition for the Creation of an Educational Board and Digital Game of EKOME !

For the fourth consecutive year, groups of students and teachers from schools in Greece and Cyprus participated in the... Read More → Record participations in the 4th International Student Competition for the Creation of an Educational Board and Digital Game of EKOME !

Scientific talent of the Slovak Academy of Sciences from AMAVET to the winner of the world competition in the USA

The finalist of the AMAVET Festival of Science and Technology from 2023 Michal Lajčiak achieved his goal of being the... Read More → Scientific talent of the Slovak Academy of Sciences from AMAVET to the winner of the world competition in the USA

Winners of the Scientist of the Year 2023 award

PRESS RELEASE (Bratislava, 21 May 2024) Quantum technologies, material science, mechanical engineering, physical... Read More → Winners of the Scientist of the Year 2023 award

Pathways of the Future, Leading to Digital

The Digital Coalition and the Future Paths project jointly presented the world of digitalisation to pupils. (Presov, 24... Read More → Pathways of the Future, Leading to Digital

Launch of the first model dedicated to Romanian language for artificial intelligence ChatGPT

A team of Romanian researchers has created a language model (LLM) dedicated to Romanian language, which can be used to... Read More → Launch of the first model dedicated to Romanian language for artificial intelligence ChatGPT

Meet Microsoft’s new cloud programs offered by EKDDA for May-June 2024

The NSRDA and the Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Governance and Microsoft,... Read More → Meet Microsoft’s new cloud programs offered by EKDDA for May-June 2024

Exploring ICT horizons: Twelve visits to industry

Over the past semester, the eSkills Malta Foundation and the National School Support Services successfully coordinated... Read More → Exploring ICT horizons: Twelve visits to industry

Join the Science-Entertainment-yoU!

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is preparing an exceptional Science-Entertainment-yoU event on 14 May... Read More → Join the Science-Entertainment-yoU!

Digital Decade Report: Hungary’s broadband coverage above average, but efforts in key areas should be stepped up

While Hungary has made great progress in terms of 5G coverage and availability of digital public services and above the... Read More → Digital Decade Report: Hungary’s broadband coverage above average, but efforts in key areas should be stepped up

Roundtable on setting standards for the National Project Digital Skills for the Green Future of Slovakia

The need for digital skills in the workplace will increase substantially in the future, as will the demands on... Read More → Roundtable on setting standards for the National Project Digital Skills for the Green Future of Slovakia