Opportunities for Education in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from KTH

Overview: Bachelor’s training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the Royal University of Technology (KTH) is an internationally oriented education offering a comprehensive basis in ICT. With teaching in English and studying teams from different countries, the programme places you in the middle of the development of the technologies of the future such as artificial intelligence, 5G/6G, machine learning, robotics and communicating systems.

Wide-ranging Impact: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a fundamental pillar of today’s digitalised society, with a wide-ranging impact on all aspects of our lives. From improving quality of life and reducing industrial emissions to protecting against cyber threats, ICT plays a central role in shaping our future.

Training Introduction: KH ICT training offers a unique combination of knowledge in electronics, software, computer science and communication technology. By integrating these technological fields into economics, leadership and sustainable development, you will have a broad perspective on technology development and its applications.

Flexibility and Specialisation: With a wide range of eligible courses, the programme gives you the opportunity to tailor your training to your interests and career objectives. This allows you to specialise in areas such as AI, e-health, greener transport and much more.

Lifelong Learning: KTH attaches great importance to lifelong learning, which means that you are equipped with the ability to continuously develop your knowledge and skills after graduation. This is preparing you to keep pace with rapid technological developments and to meet the labour market challenges of the future.

Career prospects: After graduating, a wide range of career opportunities is expected, both in Sweden and internationally. You can work in a wide range of sectors, including IT companies, consultancy companies, the automotive industry, health technologies and much more. Roles range from software engineers and consultants to system specialists and contractors.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: KTH Innovation supports students who want to develop their ideas and invest in entrepreneurship. This gives you the opportunity to put your education into practice and contribute to society with innovative solutions.

Outlook: Despite increasing global education in ICT, the demand for skills in this field remains high. This gives you excellent prospects of finding exciting and meaningful tasks in a wide range of areas.

Content of the training: It provides you with knowledge in electronics, software, computer science and communication technologies, integrated with economics, leadership and sustainable development. This gives you a broad perspective on technology developments and the opportunity to tailor your training through a wide range of eligible courses.

Career prospects: After graduating, there is a wide range of career opportunities in global and regional IT companies, consultancies, companies’ IT departments and international institutions. You can work as a software engineer, consultant, system specialist and much more, with good prospects of finding exciting tasks and occupations.

International Opportunities: The programme offers opportunities for exchange studies, which is a unique opportunity to expand your CV, discover the world and establish international contacts.

Sustainable Development: Education focuses on developing solutions for global sustainable development goals, in particular in the fields of energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure. ICT enables other industries to become more energy efficient and reduce their climate impact.

Study environment: All teaching takes place in English with a combination of lectures, laboratories and practice. The programme is based on the latest research and has close links with businesses, giving you a better understanding of your future profession.

Student life: As a student at KTH, you will be part of a rich student life with access to various student organisations and activities that promote both social and academic engagement.

Diploma: Technology-candidate
Length: 3 years (180 higher education credits)
Language: English
Place: KTH Kista
Fee: The education is free of charge for students with EU/EEA and Swiss nationality. Information for UK citizens linked to Brexit can be found on the university’s website.

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Sweden

Type of initiative

National initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all

Target language

  • English

Target group

  • Non-Native Speakers
  • Persons who have completed tertiary education (EQF 6)


Typology of training opportunities

Educational programme

Training duration

Multiple years

Credential offered

Diploma supplement