Digital competence is one of the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. It was first
defined in 2006, and after an update of the Council Recommendation in 2018, it
reads as follows:
“Digital competence involves the confident, critical and responsible use of,
and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. It includes information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital content creation (including programming), safety (including digital well-being and competences related to
cybersecurity), intellectual property related questions, problem solving and
critical thinking.” (Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 22 May 2018, ST 9009 2018 INIT).


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert
  • Intermediate

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all

Target language

  • English
