Women4Cyber Finland (W4CFI) was established in August 2021 with an aim to increase the employment ratio of women in the Finnish cybersecurity industry. It is a non-profit organisation with the mission of supporting a more diverse and inclusive industry in Finland. W4CFI also operates within the framework of the larger EU-wide initiative Women4Cyber, which sets up international and national partnerships and offers training programmes for women and girls in IT. 

The organisation is active in several activities: from the provision of guidance and support, to exchange of knowledge and information and awareness-raising. The aim of W4CFI is also to support ongoing debates and discussions in the field in order to reduce the threshold for women’s entry in cybersecurity and address the cybersecurity gender gap in Finland. 

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Cybersecurity

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Finland

Target audience

  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.