In UNICEF, we work to ensure that all children in the world can enjoy being children without worrying more about anything else. In more than 190 countries, we defend children’s rights above all, with passion, dedication and rigour.

We are what we do:

  • Health: All children grow healthy to enjoy all their rights
  • Education: All children can study to improve their future
  • Protection: No child is abused or exploited

Workers, volunteers, partners and donors, from the UNICEF Spanish Committee, contributed to the work of the organisation worldwide.

We want to improve the lives of boys and girls outside and within our borders, where we also work to ensure that all their rights are fulfilled.

It supports and pushes for the solidarity of Spanish society with the cause of childhood and we are convinced that together we have the power to change the lives of billions, millions of children.

Website link

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all
  • Digital skills in education.
  • Digital skills for the labour force.