VMware is a leading provider of multi-cloud services for all apps, enabling digital innovation with enterprise control. VMware launched an IT Academy to help students prepare for work in a digital world, with many courses in IT, software, cloud and virtualization

The IT Academy provides online certification opportunities, hands-on labs and other learning resources. Also, two VMware certifications are available once you have taken the curriculum and passed the corresponding exams. The VMware IT Academy hosts also live events throughout the year to present about IT Academy value, benefits, new courses, certifications, labs and answer any questions that users and participants might have. The intended audience for these events is administrators and instructors only.

Website link

WMware website

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Virtual Reality
  • Cloud Computing
  • Software
  • Web Development
  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union
  • Non-EU

Target audience

  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.