The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) also called Barcelona Tech is a public institution for research and higher education. It specialises in the fields of engineering, architecture, science and technology and is one of Europe’s leading technical universities. Every year it sees over 6000 bachelor’s and master’s students and 500 doctoral students graduate and has 3067 graduates in lifelong learning.

The UPC values social responsibility, equal opportunities, sustainability and cooperation and solidarity and carries out various actions in line with these values. 

Website link

About the UPC

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Big Data
  • Telecommunications

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
  • Digital skills in education.
  • Digital skills for all