An entrepreneurial vision of the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

ILUNION translates into entrepreneurship the social initiative of the ONCE and its Foundation with a pioneering and innovative model, which maintains the balance between its economic and social values.

ILUNION employs around 32.000 workers, of whom more than 35 % are people with disabilities. In addition, in order to meet its commitment to create jobs for people with disabilities, ILUNION participates in other social enterprises, contributing to the support of a further 7.300 jobs, of which 80 % are held by persons with disabilities.

ILUNION, with an experience of almost 30 years, is present in the most important sectors of activity and is a leader in industrial laundry, contact centre, comprehensive services, technological solutions and universal accessibility.

ILUNION operates in five divisions: Business & Facility Services, Sociosanitary, Consultancy, Tourism, and Marketing. These divisions bring together more than 50 lines of activity.

Present throughout Spain, with around 500 workplaces, of which almost half are Special Employment Centres. ILUNIONS is a responsible business, social and environmental project, aiming at excellence in its management, combining skills, experience, talent and inclusion and uniting competitiveness, innovation, efficiency and diversity.

Website link

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Telecommunications

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all