The International Red Cross and Red Luna Madia Movement, which has given rise to concerns to provide relief, without discrimination, to all those injured in battle camps, strives, under its international and national perspective, to prevent and alleviate the suffering of men in all circumstances. It aims to protect life and health, as well as to respect human beings. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace between all peoples.

It makes no distinction between nationality, race, religion, social status or political belief. It is dedicated only to providing assistance to individuals in proportion to suffering, remedying their needs and giving priority to the most urgent ones.

Through their action, volunteers comply with the Fundamental Principles. It is a voluntary relief movement of a non-interested nature.

What we do:

Assistance, Social Inclusion, Employment, Health, Education, Environment and International Activity.


Website link

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Telecommunications

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all