150 years ago, the man who gave us a life: Francesc Moragas.

54.750 days have passed, and every new morning, ‘with work at the head and people in the heart’, as he showed us, we renew our commitment towards people, especially those most in need, with optimism, perseverance and the values that our founder conveys to us.

We work to build a better society, where the most vulnerable have more opportunities, and we develop solutions for social progress, culture and science, education and research.

Mission: Building a better and fairer society, giving more opportunities to those who need it most.


Be a reference entity for society in the development of durable solutions that:

  • Meet the basic needs of the most vulnerable.
  • Foster social progress by responding to new challenges in research, training of excellence and education.
  • Bring science and culture closer to all segments of society.

Values: Responsibility, trust and social engagement.

Website link

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all
  • Digital skills in education.