The IT Training Foundation is one of the most successful examples of cooperation between the private and public sectors, showing that businesses are interested in supporting its initiatives as well as in developing modern learning content.

The aim of the fund is to promote the information technology sector among pupils as a perspective for choosing a future occupation and to increase the number of pupils in advanced programming in primary and secondary schools. The Foundation also works to promote the development of the education system and economic processes in the country by putting the information technology sector at the heart of the future economy, as well as materially supporting school and student youth in IT learning. The Foundation helps young people learn to use information technology in their further education and future careers.

The founding members of the IT Training Foundation are Accenture Latvia, Riga Technical University and MAK IT.

Website link

It Training Foundation

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Software
  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Latvia

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.