Generation is a foundation that focuses on empowering people to achieve sustainable and impact careers. Through training for employment, we transform people’s career paths to connect them with jobs that would not be available without Generation. Providing a meaningful and sustainable career path for every person around the world.
Born to support in their careers those facing barriers to employment, including vulnerable groups such as young people, seniors and talent with different skills. Our bootcamps have proven to be a change in life for many when they get their first jobs in cloud, data or software engineering, digital marketing. At the same time, our programmes also help to improve diversity in the technology sector.
Generation is a non-profit foundation, belonging to the Generation Global group, present in 14 countries, 65 cities and 157 sites. A foundation promoted by Mckinsey, supported by other private funders such as Google, Microsot, BalckRock and Verizon, AND the support of other private companies and public institutions.
In Spain, Generation has joined public bodies, employers and training institutions to help unemployed young people. The impact of Generation Spain has been recognised at prizes, events and the media.
In Generation, we have developed a training and employment programme, with its own methodology and in coordination with businesses, to connect young unemployed and senior talent to the professional world, providing them with the skills and support they need to achieve personal and professional success. We provide companies with an incomparable source of talent, with young people operating at the highest level of productivity and quality from day one. Generation seeks to bridge the gap between young people’s skills and the real needs of companies. we have
also launched Regeneration in Spain, a pioneering programme that supports the development of new digital skills for experienced workers to encourage re-skilling of digital skills and tackle digitalisation (50 % of the current tasks are expected to be automated) Brinting to companies the Generation methodology applied to senior talent in order to be able to seize the digital opportunity.
By means of Generation’s value proposal, which consists of designing, using its own methodology and in coordination with companies, end to end programmes that meet companies’ talent needs. Companies that recruit talent Generation gain talent prepared in the necessary knowledge, skills and mindset, an increase in graduate engagement and loyalty to the company, savings in recruitment and rotation costs, as well as an RSC approach and recognition for the company

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Digital technology / specialisation

  • Robotics

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all