InPlan International we have a new and ambitious challenge: Reach, through our work, 100 million girls to transform their lives. This goal must be met by involving all boys and girls, our partners and partners over the next 5 years.

Together, we work for 100 million girls:

  • Learn. We want the most vulnerable boys and girls to have the skills needed to succeed in life and at work. In Plan International we therefore urge that:
    • Governments invest and; More boys and girls complete their secondary education.
    • Children, especially girls, in conflict and emergency situations are educated in a safe environment.
    • Young people have the knowledge and opportunities to earn and manage their money.
  • Lideren. We want the most vulnerable and excluded boys and girls to have the power to intervene in matters that matter to them. Therefore, in Plan International we are working to ensure that:
    • Boys, girls and young people have a stronger voice.
    • Decision makers give them opportunities to express their views.
    • Governments establish and strengthen laws that promote their rights.
  • Decide. We want boys, girls and young people, especially girls, to have control over their own lives and bodies. Therefore, in Plan International we are working to ensure that:
    • Communities end harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation.
    • Governments act for rights and; The sexual and reproductive health of adolescents.
    • Young people receive quality sexual health services and sexuality education.
    • Young people have an active role to play in preventing sexual violence in emergency situations.
  • Thrive. We want boys, girls and young people, especially girls, to grow in care and free from violence and fear. Therefore, in Plan International we are working to ensure that:
    • Receive the care they need to have health, education and protection.
    • Governments and communities work together to end violence.
    • Governments avoid and respond to violence against children.

We are working to transform the lives of vulnerable boys and girls, especially where there are more urgent gaps and needs. Girls are at a disadvantage compared to boys, both in education, health, work or family life. By challenging the root causes of inequalities, we will bring about large-scale change because gender equality will ensure a better world for all boys and girls.

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Digital technology / specialisation

  • Telecommunications

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.