fit4internet is a non-profit association with the objective of boosting the overall digital literacy of the Austrian population. Another objective behind the organisation is to facilitate (and enable) the confident use of digital technologies at all ages. fit4internet’s goal is to engage the entirety of Austrian society in the digitalisation process and ensure their broad participation in it. In February 2020, the European Commission confirmed fit4internet as the first Austrian member of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. The association has also contributed substantially to the Austrian National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs. 

The association brings together a variety of stakeholders from the private and public sectors: companies, institutions and various organisations, providing a platform for stakeholders in Austria, who launch actions to upskill and raise the level of digital competence. Other tasks and priorities of fit4internet include: 

  • Providing support to Austrian citizens, enabling them to keep pace with rapid digital change and use their skills and knowledge to achieve personal and professional growth.
  • Bridging barriers between standardised development of competences and dissemination of knowledge in order to cope with future digital demands on economic and societal level. 
  • Coordination of a wide network of information technology (IT) organisations and companies in order to streamline implementation of goals and broaden the national view and policy response. 
  • Provision and promotion of qualification offers, targeting 3 main social groups: youth, employees and those re-entering the workforce, seniors, including activities aiming to increase basic digital skills and mobile internet use. 
  • Development of the Austrian certification system for digital skills according to the Digital Competence Framework of the European Commission. 

Website link

fit4internet Austria

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Austria

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills in education.
  • Digital skills for all