Digital Poland is a non-profit foundation that brings together Polish and international companies located in Poland (e.g., Polpharma, Microsoft, Visa, T-mobile Polska, among others) to tackle the challenges faced by the country and reap the benefits of the digital transformation and economy.  

Since its inception in 2017, Digital Poland has been identifying topics with profound implications for the economy, with a specific focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), FinTech, e-Health, blockchain, and cloud computing, amongst others. The foundation’s conforming groups (led by the companies, associated with the initiative) also support the development of training sessions and resources with the aim of facilitating the digital transition through sustainable upskilling of the labour force and citizens. These actions largely aim to position Poland as a leader in R&D (Research and Development) and innovation and highlight its potential on a European and global scale. Digital Poland provides an open innovation platform, which connects innovators and start-ups with some of the largest corporations in the Central Eastern Europe region. The platform also offers hackathons, challenges and competitions throughout the year. 

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Poland

Target audience

  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.