CORP Agency was founded in 2009 by event planning professionals and specialists in the creation and organisation of conferences and B2B events in the field of emerging and new technologies. CORP manages each event following a framework which is made up of an exhibition, a conference, business meetings, innovation demonstrations, immersive experiences and digital applications. 

CORP is also involved in the creation and implementations of a marketing strategy and in the organisation of proprietary events. Through puting innovation and progress at the centre of each event, CORP supports businesses in their evolution and growth in the adoption of their new technologies. 

Website link

CORP Agency

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet of Things
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing

Geographic Scope - Country

  • France
  • Canada
  • USA

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
  • Digital skills for all