Malta Enterprise provides incentives for enterprises that show a commitment to growth, increased value added and employment. Enterprises involved in manufacturing, ICT development activities, call centres, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, aviation and maritime services, education and training, logistics and more can benefit from these incentives.

Accelerate 2024

Accelerate supports Enterprises in their first 7 years in funding participation in an Accelerator Programme recognised by Malta Enterprise. This measure is intended for undertakings with growth potential, which have a viable business concept based on sound technical and scientific knowledge and which are in the process of developing the technology into a market-ready offer. Eligible firms may receive up to €100,000 to cover costs related to setting up a start-up in Malta, fees charged under the Accelerator Programmes and other costs incurred during the acceleration period.

Allocation to an Industrial Estate application
Application for the allocation of industrial spaces larger than 300 sqm

Application for Industrial Space for Small Business Activities
Application for Industrial Space for Small Business Activities

Business Development Support
for Business Development and Transformation

The Business Development Scheme aims to facilitate value-added projects, including new business initiatives, start-ups, expansions and transformation activities contributing to Malta’s regional development.

Starting a Business
Start-up provides early start-up financing for small start-ups that have an economically feasible business concept to further develop their business proposal before seeking further third-party financing or equity.

EUREKA Instruments [Network projects, European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars and Innowwide, Clusters]
EUREKA supports the development of innovative fast-trading products, processes and services that help improve people’s daily lives.

Participation in Network projects, European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars and Innowwide, Clusters among other EUREKA instruments raise the international profiles of participants through the award of the EUREKA label, facilitate access to finance for the companies involved, offer a high degree of flexibility and a bottom-up approach to the generation project with a greater chance of success of the project proposal.

Research Exploration Grant
The Research Exploration Grant aims to support businesses in better planning their R&amp initiatives;D. Through this measure, Malta Enterprise aims to encourage businesses to think strategically, consider the market disruptions that research results can lead to and look beyond the organisation to strategic collaborations.

Family Business Grant Family
Businesses should plan a smooth transition to succession to maintain family business status. These plans should be as holistic as possible and should cover issues such as ultimate ownership, financial management, and governance. The Family Business Act provides a framework to support businesses falling under the definition of Family Business in their planning for succession and effective transfer of ownership. The legislation sets operational benchmarks so that Family Businesses can continue to achieve their objectives. Malta Enterprise, continues to support this process through the Family Business Grant by providing part-financing of advisory and mediation services required by Family Businesses towards succession facilitation and planning.

Qualify 2017-2024
GET QUALIFIED is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for obtaining qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate courses. Upon successful completion the student benefits from a tax credit that allows them to recover part of the costs incurred.

Green Mobility Scheme
The Green Mobility Scheme shall support the transition to more sustainable transport by accelerating the uptake of electric vehicles used in business for the transport of goods and people, by supporting investment in the necessary charging infrastructure for vehicles that are an integral part of commercial activity. The scheme shall also support the rental of clean or zero-emission vehicles.

Innovate – Innovation Aid for SMEs
The scheme facilitates access to expertise and generation of new knowledge towards accelerating innovation, improving business performance and leading a competitive advantage through the hiring of highly qualified staff, and access to innovation advisory and support services.

INVEST – Support for Initial Investment Projects Supporting
the regional industrial and economic development of Malta by facilitating initial investments resulting in the setting up of new establishments, the extension of the capacity of existing establishments, the diversification of existing businesses, or a fundamental change in an overall process, among other activities.

MicroInvest 2024
The scheme encourages undertakings (including Start-ups, family businesses and the self-employed) to invest in their business, in order to innovate, expand and develop their operations. Undertakings benefiting from this measure will be supported through a tax credit calculated as a percentage of the eligible expenditure, which also covers an increase in wage costs.

Patent Box Reduction Patent
Box Reduction Rules, 2019 establish a tax regime for revenues stemming from patents, similar intellectual property (IP) rights and copyrighted software. The rules also provide that small companies can utilise patent box rules on revenue from any intellectual property based on a patentable invention.

Qualifying Jobs in Innovation and Creativity (Personal Tax)
This measure facilitates the employment of non-residents in roles currently not addressed by the local labour market by temporarily reducing the tax costs incurred by such individuals through a tax incentive. Potential beneficiaries can contact Business 1st on 144 for guidance and information on this measure.

Rent Subsidy
The Rent Subsidy aims to support businesses engaged in industrial activities, which need an industrial space to start a new business, expand or diversify operations or optimise supply chains. The support subsidises the rental of private industrial buildings needed for long-term development strategies and also short-term rentals to address specific requirements.

These guidelines provide a framework for individuals seeking determination of
eligibility for the option provided by SL Repatriation of Persons Established in an Area of Excellence Rules, as Subsidiary Legislation to the Income Tax Act (CAP. 123) of the Laws of Malta.

should address scientific or technological uncertainties. Knowledge gained through research is expected to lead to the development of innovative products and solutions.

The aim of this incentive is to support industry to carry out Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities.

Skills Development
Through the Skills Development scheme, business enterprises can be supported to provide training for the purpose of developing and updating the skills and knowledge of their workforce to help them work more effectively.

Skills Pass Support
Malta Enterprise will be supporting licensed operators in the Tourism and Hospitality sector, to ensure that their staff have the basic requirements necessary to maintain their employment and continue working in the sector.

Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant
The Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant provides business finance to support investments leading to more sustainable processes. These investments are expected to improve the competitiveness of enterprises by optimising the use of resources in their activities.

Finance aims to support Small Start-ups that demonstrate a viable business concept and demonstrate commitment to expanding and further developing their economic activity.

Higher Educational Qualifications Tax Credit In
the 2018 budget speech, a measure was announced providing for a tax benefit to individuals who are not yet forty years old at the date of course start, and who graduate with a PhD, Masters Degree or Postgraduate Diploma (minimum 60 credits) (MQF level 8 or 7).

Click here to see closed support measures



Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


Website link

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Non-EU
  • Malta

Type of initiative

Local initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills for all
  • Digital skills for the labour force.

Target group

  • Persons requiring employment retraining
  • Persons in tertiary education (EQF 6)

Form of funding
