Specific objective of the tender
This tender co-finances process and/or business innovations of organisations of consortia of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to establish long-term supplier relationships and value chains with larger companies, the so-called “Integrator”. The aim of this process is to enable young researchers and students to acquire practical skills and knowledge necessary for successful work in industrial sectors.
Key activities within the project
Eligible activities include:
- Develop and implement programmes to develop the skills needed for smart specialisation and industrial transition.
- Transfer of knowledge and technology between higher education institutions, scientific institutions and industry.
- Organisation and participation in conferences, networking events and competitions to encourage networking and professional development.
- Dissemination of project results and ensuring visibility to inform the general public about the results.
- Project management and other activities that are crucial for the successful completion of the project.
Eligible applicants
The competition is open to:
- Institutions in the system of higher education and scientific activities established in accordance with the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (OG 119/22).
- Institutions established by a public higher education institution entered in the register of higher education institutions in accordance with the Institutions Act.
- Companies majority owned by public higher education institutions.
Financial conditions
- The total budget of the call is EUR 10,647,059.00, with an intensity of co-financing of up to 85% of the eligible costs of the project.
- Application deadline: Applications will be open until 31 December 2026.
This competition represents an important step towards improving the knowledge and skills of young people in Croatia, especially in the field of industrial transition and smart specialization. Eligible organizations are invited to apply and seize the opportunity to participate in the transformation of Croatian industry through education, research and innovation.
For more information, visit the official website of the Ministry at eufondovi.gov.hr.
Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform