Code Summer Camp 2023 is a camp for children and young people aged 7 to 17 who are interested in programming. The camp is organised by Skill and Linköping Science Park, which together with several other organisations make it possible to open the doors to children and young people for a week in technology, programming, digital creation and problem-solving. The camp is organised both physically in Linköping and digitally.

For the ninth year, the summer highlights are being organised for all children and young people who are curious about programming. Code Summer Camp 2023 allows the participants to get in touch with others with the same interest, even if they have never tried for programming before.

This summer, the camp will be organised in the following weeks:

  • 10-17 years, starts Monday 19 June, week is digital and remote
  • 7-12 years old, starts Monday 26 June, physical camp in Linköping. Participants must have reached the age of 7 at the start of the camp.
  • 13-17 years, start Monday 3 July, physical camp in Linköping

The camp is operated during the daytime, for more information on the camp, scholarship and expression of interest please visit


Source : European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

Website link

Code Summer

Start date


End date

08/07/2023 22:00

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Sweden

Type of initiative

National initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.

Target language

  • Swedish

Event setting

  • Blended

