In today’s world, where technology is increasingly important, there is a growing need for people skilled in information and communication technologies (ICTs). However, women are currently underrepresented in this important field, as in other fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Although women account for 51 % of the EU population, only 1 in 3 STEM graduates and 1 in 5 ICT specialists are women. The graph below shows the number of ICT specialists since 2013, indicating that the percentage of women in ICT has not changed much over time. Changing this situation is important to ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, has a fair chance to benefit and contribute to the digital age. What is the role of women in the digital world? We need more girls and women in ICT for a number of reasons.

  • Equal opportunities: We want to make sure that everyone, regardless of their background, has the same chance to thrive in the digital world in Europe.
  • Highly qualified staff: Europe needs more people in ICT jobs. The goal of the Digital Decade is to increase the number of ICT professionals in Europe from 9 million in 2022 to 20 million by 2030.
  • Diversity for innovation: More diverse and gender-balanced teams are likely to produce not only fairer and more inclusive digital technologies and solutions, but also better.

A Union of Equality means more girls and women who access the same jobs as boys and men, are paid fairly and rise to leadership positions in the ICT sector. For Europe’s economic success and digital fairness and inclusion. The 2022“ Digital Compassand Digital Decade Strategy Agenda” sets specific targets for 2030 in areas such as digital skills, digital infrastructure and digitalisation of businesses and public services. It also underlines the importance of equal opportunities for women in the ICT sector and sets an ambitious target to increase the number of ICT professionals. This in turn means increasing the number of girls and women studying ICT, both at school and at university. Member States, responsible for education policy in the EU, must present national strategic “roadmaps” on their actions to achieve all DDPP objectives, published online here. They also report to the Commission on the progress made and the Commission publishes an annual report on the state of the digital decade. The first such report is available here (see also below). In 2019, 26 EU countries, together with Norway and the UK, signed the ‘Declaration on Women in Digital’ to increase the number of girls and women in the ICT work sector. They are committed to bringing together government, businesses and the community to ensure that more girls and women have a fair chance in the digital world. From 2014 to 2022, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) summarised Europe’s digital performance indicators and monitored progress made by EU countries. Starting in 2023, and in line with the 2030 Digital Decade Strategic Programme, DESI is now integrated into the State of the Digital Decade report, used to monitor progress towards all DDPP targets. The first such report is available here The “Women in Digital” Scoreboard was part of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). The most recent annual reports are available at:

WiD 2021 WiD Scoreboard 2020 WiD Scoreboard 2019 WiD Scoreboard 2018 The index shows that there is still a gap between men and women in the ICT sector. This European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles, signed by the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council in December 2022, commits Europe to pursuing a fair and inclusive digital transformation that leaves no one behind. Particularly relevant in this context are Principles 2 on Solidarity and Inclusion and 4, on Digital Education, Training and Skills: 2. Technology should be used to unite, and not divide, people. Digital transformation should contribute to a fair and inclusive society and economy in the EU. We are committed to: ensure that the design, development, dissemination and use of technological solutions respect fundamental rights, enable their exercise and promote solidarity and inclusion; a digital transformation that leaves no one behind. It should benefit everyone, achieve gender balance and include in particular older people, people living in rural areas, people with disabilities or marginalised, vulnerable or without rights and those acting on their behalf. It should also promote cultural and linguistic diversity; 4. Everyone has the right to education, training and lifelong learning and should be able to acquire all basic and advanced digital skills. We are committed to: promote high-quality digital education and training, including with a view to closing the digital gender gap. Adopted on 23 November 2023, the Council Recommendation on improving digital skills in education aims to improve digital skills in education and training. Supports the increase in the number and diversity of ICT professionals. This includes working with Member States to encourage more women in digital careers and address obstacles for girls in ICT studies and careers. It also promotes digital inclusion initiatives to ensure equal opportunities for all in the digital world. Adopted on 23 November 2023, the Council Recommendation on key enabling factors for the success of digital education and training underlines the need to modernise education and training systems for the digital age. Suggests integrating digital technologies into teaching, enabling educators to use them effectively and supporting the development of digital educational tools, with a focus on understanding and responsible use of technology. It also underlines the importance of cybersecurity measures, including awareness raising, and investments in connectivity, digital infrastructure and accessibility in education and training. iStock Photos Getty Images Plus Financing Commission funding programmes supporting women in the digital sector include: Digital Europe Programme

Horizon Europe

It also finances specific projects such as the Women TechEU call.

  • it supports up to 130 high-tech start-ups led by women with a budget of EUR 10 million.

Creative Europe MEDIA Programme

  • Under MEDIA, the Commission supports campaigns to combat gender stereotypes in creative industries. Funding also provides mentoring and training for women in cinema.


Other Commission initiatives

  • (EDSA) celebrate projects like “Girls Code It Better”,an Italian project that brings girls closer to STEM technology and disciplines.
  • EuropeanYear of Skills,
  • from May 2023 to May 2024, a year to reflect on the need to address skills gaps in the Union and promote the EU Skills Strategy.
  • The eSTEAM Fests
  • empower girls and women through digital and entrepreneurial skills.
  • The Women in Cyberevent

Other relevant initiatives

Report on the High Level Meeting "Women in Digital & Quot;   Original article published on on 20.4.2023


Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Italy

Type of initiative

National initiative