The European Commission is proud to announce the launch of Test your Digital Skills, or  DigSAT (Self Assessment Tool), available from today on both the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform and Europass. Everyone will have the opportunity to take a digital skills test, record their result in their profile, and access high quality training opportunities from the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform catalogue.

What is “Test your Digital Skills”? 

The new tool is an online test which allows people to evaluate their own level of digital competence. Test your Digital Skills  is based on the Digital Competence Framework (DigComp), a set of 21 identified and described Digital Skills for everything related to everyday life and for professional situations. For each skill there are 8 proficiency levels: the results of the test will allow each person to better understand their concrete abilities but also where there are weaknesses that may be limiting: 90 % of jobs today require at least basic digital skills, the SAT tool helps you understand which ones you need.

Test Your Digital Skills in the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform

The collaboration between Europass and the Digital Skills and Jobs platform is a win-win initiative that aims to integrate the fundamental function of the Test. The users of the DSJ platform will be able to not only take the test, but after having received the test results, they will be also able to access plenty of trainings and information to fill the knowledge gaps identified by the test.
If the results of the test should show that your knowledge of basic online security rules is lacking, for example, you will find a number of basic online courses and resources to train yourself – and your colleagues and friends – in keeping your online life safe.

How does Test Your Digital Skills work? 

Once you access the test, you will get a set of questions based on the Digital Competence framework that are structured in a way for you to understand your skills level in a clear manner. The test lasts around 20 minutes, and you can take it as many times as you wish.

To start with, you will be asked to answer a few questions with basic information about your dream job and your educational level, and then a few self reflection questions to adapt the test to your needs. After finishing the actual test, you will receive a score and a detailed report on your results, so you will be able to identify your strong and weak areas.

Once you have identified the ones that need improvement, you will  find a learning roadmap that will help you identify and take courses to help you achieve specific learning goals: the Digital Skills and Jobs platform is there to give you a wide choice of trainings to reinforce or learn from the basics the digital skills you need. With over 100 training opportunities and programmes, the platform offers something for all levels, from the basic everyday digital skills to advanced academic programs on emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud and much more.

Are you ready to test your digital skills? Take the test today, start your digital growth journey.




Source : European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union
  • Non-EU

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative