On 20 10. 2023 PES Pupils attended a tour of the Festival of Science and Technology. Upon return, we were conveyed by their immediate experiences and Impressions of the festival:

“We arrived in Košice at 08.00 a.m., we attended the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University, where the registration of participants and their projects took place by 9 a.m. We then found our stand, where we had shown alarmed a big carton ready for the poster. At 9 a.m., the competition was opposed at all, informing us of the necessary information. We make the last modifications and laptops.

We are stopped by the people who are interested in our ‘E-waste project. From the outset, we are still nervous, but the more people CAME, the better and we talked.

Point 2 p.m., the commission bypassed the stands and stopped with us too. The members of the commission combined the project and make sure that we should certainly continue. We are committed in the environmental sciences category, but the Commission stated that we should have been classified as IT and we did not proceed due to misclassification. Everything bad, something good. And any experience, even less positive, shows us how to be better. We have a lot of experience, pleasure and commend. We also Looked at other projects of Pupils and one project from our school – Mark Celovský from Class III. SB, moved to the national round in Bratislava.’

Marko Čelovský participated in the festival with the ‘Yay’ project. HE also shared his experiences: “I am very pleased that we have to go to the national round with our project – “Yazda, and that I can represent our school together with the team at this event. The atmosphere of the competition has been superseded and the expert evaluation committee has been very close and Showed great interest in our project to me personally. As we have working together with our columns on this project for almost a year, this has meant a lot for our entire team.

‘Young’ is a multi-platform application to simplify driving and driving driving, capable of automating more driving school processes and saving time and money.

Overall, we look forward to the state round and improve severe parts of the project, from the very development and functionality of the application, to the actual presentation of the jury and the graphic image of the kiosk.’

Soňa Hurajová, Lucia Rychlíková, Aneta Kuchárá, pupil III. SA and Marko Celovský, III. SB


Source :  European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Mobile Application Development

Digital skill level

  • Advanced

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Slovakia

Type of initiative

Local initiative