On 18 April, the partners of the Digital Theme Week, ministries and public institutions, corporate representatives of the ICT sector gathered in Latvia in the framework of a seminar with more than 50 participants. The main topic of the event was to discuss the central activities related to the Digital Theme Week 2024.

The Digital Theme Week will take place in the framework of ALL Digital Weeks2024 (# ADWeeks2024)for the 15th time this year in Latvia. The main partners of the Digital Theme Week include the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA), DocLogix, the Latvian State Radio and Television Centre, Tet, the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Centre for Cultural Information Systems. More than 100 partners have already been involved in organising events, including ICT companies, public authorities, municipalities, libraries and NGOs. The digital map can be found here.

The seminar was presented by representatives of LIKTA, Latvian State Radio and Television Centre, CERT.LV, Ministry of Education and Science, EPALE, Centre for Cultural Information Systems, DocLogix, GEORiga, Tet, Baltic Computer Academy, Lursoft, Datorium, State Employment Agency and State Police Academy.

Anyone interested can follow LIKTA’s Facebook page and other central internet platforms. This year’s Digital Week includes the following thematic days:

  • 13 May Digital skills and artificial intelligence
  • 14 May Digital services and skills for citizens
  • 15 May Digital skills and solutions for entrepreneurs
  • 16 May Digital Security Day
  • 17 May Digital skills in education
  • 18 May Digital Museum Day

The schedule of live broadcasts in PDF format is available HERE.

Partners will continue to have the opportunity to participate in the planning and implementation of the Digital Theme Week 2024 events. Please add events and participate in activities organised by others by 30 April at the latest.

  • Help to find events on eprasmes.lv can be found HERE.
  • The map of Europe’s Digital Theme Weeks is available HERE.

More information on all events can be found at the following link: www.eprasmes.lv.

In the Digital Theme Week 2024 section, you can select a date and topic of interest and search for information on the hashtags #eprasmes24 and #ADWeeks2024.

The agenda and presentations of the seminar are available HERE.

The recording of the seminar is available HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact eprasmes@likta.lv.

#eskills24 #ADWeeks2024



Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


Website link

Digital Week 2024

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Latvia

Type of initiative

National initiative