The Green Economy is the subject of this year’s 5th Open Panhellenic Competition for Open Technologies in Education, which started on October 10 2022 and will end on June 15 2023.

It is carried out with the approval of the Ministry of Education for Religious Affairs and is co-organised with the Onassis Foundation, universities, research centres, regions, municipalities and bodies from all over Greece. It is addressed to groups of primary and secondary school pupils (kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools) and vocational schools (vocational schools) and vocational training institutes (IEK) while receiving space within schools.

Objectives pursued

The Panhellenic Open Technologies Competition in Education seeks the systematic introduction of open materials, software and open educational content at all levels of education. It is also well known that open technologies open horizons, encourage creativity, enhance experimentation and support students’ inventive thinking and initiative.

The students taking part in this year’s contest will try to reshape their and their community’s daily habits, using tools such as open technologies, materials, educational resources and participatory creative activities. Students, students and teachers will discover new forms of intervention in environmental issues through the artefacts they will create. To implement the competition, the Onassis Foundation offers the necessary equipment to the participating teams and schools.

All construction and open educational content of the competition will be made available for reuse and further exploitation in education. It is worth mentioning that more than 1300 students and 190 teachers with 130 teams from all regions of the country participated in the previous competition (2021-2022) on the circular economy.

The Green Economy concept

This is a low-emission, resource-efficient and socially inclusive economy. A sustainable development model is being adopted, ensuring that nature’s elements continue to provide us with the resources and environmental services that underpin our well-being.

The green economy offers sustainable solutions that address day-to-day challenges in improving human well-being and social equality, and significantly reduces environmental risks and ecological shortages.

Indicative themes

  • Saving energy
  • Improving resource efficiency by enhancing the efficient use of energy, water and other material inputs
  • Ensuring ecosystem resilience: Protection of the natural environment, its ecosystems and ecosystem flows.
  • Strengthening social equality by promoting a fairer distribution of resources in society
  • Manage waste
  • Ecological Farming – Improving production/harvest/urban gardening
  • Household/municipal waste management
  • Agri-tourism
  • Green energy production
  • Green water management
  • Means of transport and green travel
  • Green culture and social sensitivity
  • Sustainability and new technologies in energy
  • Use of geospatial technologies to protect the environment

Timing of the tender

1st phase: The tenderer must submit their idea and its documentation. This phase does not require any construction but a detailed description of the idea and open material to be used.

2nd phase: The best proposals will be selected from all categories of the tender, who will be invited to implement their projects by 30 May 2023.

3rd phase: The organisational/scientific committee will select (according to the evaluation criteria) the best projects per category to be awarded at a central event.

The organisers and supporters of this year’s effort are the EYLLAK, the National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures – EDYTE AE (GRNET), the Onassis Foundation, Academic Institutions and Research Centres, local government bodies and collective bodies.

For more information, please visit the official competition webpage: 5th Panhellenic Competition for Open Technologies in Education


Source : European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Greece

Type of initiative

National initiative