On 12 June 2024, eSkills Malta Foundation hosted a webinar entitled ‘Empowering Students through Robotics,’ exploring best practices in robotics teaching from the perspective of both Government and Church schools. The event featured a panel discussion, presentations by experienced educators, and two video clips showing students in Malta studying robotics.

Panel discussion
The panel brought together estimated experts in the field:
Mr James Callus, Head of the Digital Literacy Department within the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills, and EU Code Week Edu Coordinator for the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.
Ms Roberta Trapani Maggi, Head of the Department of Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills within the Secretariat for Catholic Education, Engineer, and STEM educator with degrees in Electrical Engineering, Science Education, and Digital Education.
Led by Mr Carm Cachia, Chief Administrator of the eSkills Malta Foundation, the panel discussion started by acknowledging the growing role of robotics in society and various industries, highlighting the importance of introducing students to robotics earlier. Both panellists stressed that integrating robotics into school curricula would help demystify technology and develop critical skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking, essential for students’ future careers in STEM fields.

Key Intuitions from the Practical
Learning Discussion:
Engaging students in practical robotics projects improves their computational thinking and problem-solving skills. This play but educational approach fosters resilience and persistence, particularly beneficial for learners with learning difficulties.
Inclusiveness: Robotics caters for different learning styles, offering tangible experiences of practical building and text-based programming, making the topic accessible and personalised.
Challenges and Solutions: The high cost of robotics kits and the need for comprehensive training for teachers were highlighted as primary challenges. Suggested solutions include seeking external funding and pooling resources among schools, combined with extensive teacher training to effectively integrate robotics into curricula.
Presentations by Educators
Mr Charles Axisa from Savio College: With over 30 years of Computer learning experience and 15 years dedicated to robotics, Charles has guided students in numerous competitions, both locally and internationally. He highlighted the multidimensional nature of robotics education, highlighted practical activities such as soldering and drilling, and the significant impact on student engagement and skills development. He described Romecup as a flagship robotics event featuring competitions, demonstrations, and exposure areas. Preparing for the competition is time-consuming, requiring around 150 hours of work after school. Students are involved in every step, from design to execution, and foster a deep understanding of the topic. The teacher acts as a mentor and motivator, helping students navigate the emotional and psychological challenges of the competition. A video interview was shown with students who participated in Romecup, drawing on their experiences.
Mr Mohamed Ben Hadj Salem from St Benedict Kirkop High School: With 17 years of teaching experience in Tunisia and now teaching in Malta, Mohamed inspired many students. He founded a robotics club in his current school, involving students in competitions such as CodeSprint and EU Code Week. In addition, it is committed to inclusion, working tirelessly to ensure that students with disabilities can excel in coding and robotics. It highlighted the multidimensional benefits of integrating robotics into education, particularly in fostering inclusion, improving social-emotional skills, and preparing students with essential skills for the future. A video footage was shown on 29 May when the eSkills Malta Foundation team visited their classroom. During this lesson, students were collaborating to build an automatic barrier gate using Arduino. This project incorporated various components such as Arduino board, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motor, demonstrating the practical application of the tools and concepts we discussed before.
Mr Nathaniel Agius founder and director of Noble Courses: He spoke about the importance of developing coding skills through robotics. With a strong background in coding, IT skills, and business, Nathaniel successfully expanded his company to Macedonia and was invited to speak at different schools in London, on the topic of online safety for children. He stressed the importance of never limiting children’s creativity, allowing them to design, build, and experiment freely with their robots. Nathaniel’s approach emphasises the development of technical skills, creativity, and teamwork among students. He commented that robotics often present challenges, such as a non-moving robot or poorly functioning code. Students should collaborate, discuss and solve these issues, and improve their teamwork and technical abilities. Nathaniel will be cultivating these skills in robotics classrooms during SkolaSajf 2024.
The Empowering Students through Robotics webinar provided valuable insights into the integration of robotics in education in Malta. By sharing best practices, the event highlighted the transformative potential of robotics in fostering essential skills and inclusive learning environments. We thank all participants, speakers, and the organising team for making this event a success. We look forward to continuing our commitment to support and promote innovative and engaging educational practices.
Watch the full webinar video below to explore these discussions and insights in detail.

Charles Axisa – Teacher of Robotics and Computer – Savio College

Savio College: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

St Benedict College Robotics Session Hal Kirkop Secondary School


Source: European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Robotics

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Non-EU
  • Malta

Type of initiative

Local initiative