Article 1 provides for the establishment of the “National Week of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”. Specifically, paragraph 1 provides that the Republic shall recognise the days from 4 to 11 February of each year as “National Week of Scientific, Technological, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines”, known as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), in order to raise awareness and stimulate the interest, choice and learning of these disciplines. Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 1, the Week referred to above does not determine the civil effects referred to in Law No 260 of 27 May 1949. Paragraph 3 provides that, on the occasion of the National Week of Scientific, Technological, Engineering and Mathematical disciplines, the Ministry of University and Research promotes ceremonies, meetings and any other useful initiative, in schools of all levels, in universities, in institutions of high artistic, musical and choreuic education (so-called AFAM institutions) and in the main national museums of science and technology for the realisation of the purposes referred to in paragraph 1. Finally, paragraph 4 provides that the competent administrations shall carry out the activities provided for in this Article in the field of human, instrumental and financial resources available under current legislation and, in any case, without new or higher burdens for public finances. Article 2 sets out the purposes (of the National Week). In accordance with paragraph 1, the National Week of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics aims to promote orientation, learning, training and the acquisition of skills within these disciplines, necessary to foster innovation and prosperity of the Nation. Pursuant to paragraph 2, the initiatives to be carried out within the framework of the National Week shall promote the activities carried out within the resources referred to in paragraph 3 which pursue the following purposes:  a) to activate stable post-school orientation paths involving students and public institutions, including universities, institutions of high artistic, musical and choreuic training, private companies and professional associations, aimed at promoting knowledge of STEM disciplines and which consciously direct the choice of the students themselves towards these disciplines;  B) enhance and consolidate experiences within STEM disciplines in the student’s curriculum;  C) promote awareness-raising campaigns with the aim of stimulating the interest, choice and learning of STEM disciplines which offer, in the current context, greater employment opportunities;  D) support teaching, from the first stages of education, towards the acquisition of skills in STEM disciplines;  e) promote training courses in innovative ways on STEM disciplines for teaching staff in order to foster the development of STEM skills in pupils and students;  F) enhance the tools of collaboration between the public sector and the private sector through the establishment and development of innovative start-ups and the promotion of collaborations with training initiatives linked to companies in the technological sector within STEM disciplines;  g) support initiatives, including extracurricular initiatives, for primary and secondary school students aimed at stimulating the learning of STEM disciplines;  H) promote the organisation of meetings, orientation days and other similar activities for secondary school students aimed at deepening knowledge and skills in STEM disciplines;  I) promote courses of study, training or research in STEM disciplines, including through the provision of scholarships, by the subjects referred to in point (a), for students who decide to undertake such courses;  L) activate training courses to promote, through appropriate scientific skills, the reintegration into the labour market of those who have emerged by promoting, in particular, the participation of women and encouraging actions in favour of women to combat prejudices and gender stereotypes;  m) promote initiatives aimed at the application of STEM competences in the legal field. Article 2(3), then, provides that, for the pursuit of the purposes referred to in paragraph 2, without prejudice to the resources available under current legislation, including resources relating to mission 4 “Education and research”, component 1 “Increasing the provision of education services: from nurseries to universities” and component 2 “From research to enterprise” of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the resources of the Fund for the Digital Republic (established by Article 29 of Decree-Law No 152 of 2021) as part of the intervention ‘Digital Services and Digital Skills’ of the National Plan for Supplementary Investments, the Fund for Rights and Equal Opportunities Policies, referred to in Article 19(3) of Decree-Law No 223 of 2006 ( Law No 248 of 2006), is increased by EUR 2 million for the year 2024. The corresponding burden is provided by means of a corresponding reduction of the Fund for structural economic policy measures, referred to in Article 10(5) of Decree-Law No 282 of 2004 ( Law No 307 of 2004). Finally, pursuant to paragraph 4, the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance is authorised to make, by his own decrees, the necessary changes in the budget.   Original article published on on 19.12.2023



Source : European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Italy

Type of initiative

National initiative