The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for education, science, sports, youth and state language policies in Latvia to foster a highly innovative, wealthy and integrated society in which everyone has equal opportunities for development.


The Ministry is responsible for:

  • pre-school, basic and secondary education, including education in minority languages;
  • vocational, continuing education and life-learning;
  • informal and values education;
  • juvenile correctional education;
  • education for children and young people with special needs;
  • the field of higher education and research;
  • the national sports policy;
  • coordinating development and implementation of youth policy;
  • international cooperation in youth field;
  • promoting access of young people to their rights;
  • strengthening the status of the Latvian language;
  • promoting engagement in foreign language learning among the public.

The Latvian education system consists of general education, vocational education, higher education and adult education. In state and municipal educational institutions the language of tuition is the state language – Latvian. Education in other languages of tuition can be acquired in private educational establishments, as well as in state and municipal educational institutions where they provide educational (study) programmes for national minorities.

General education is coordinated by Unit of General Education Curriculum Development. Its main tasks are to provide curriculum development in general education, monitor its implementation and coordinate the development of educational books appropriate for general education standards.


The Ministry of Education and Science has developed and manages the implementation of the Education Development Guidelines 2021-2027 that defines the policy objectives, policy actions, timelines, responsible actors, related finances and policy targets for the next seven years for education and skills policies. The Guidelines is being developed in collaboration with relevant ministries and a wide range of stakeholders, such as the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and various other institutions and associations. The main goal of the Education Development Guidelines 2021-2027 is to guide Latvia’s efforts in providing a high-quality and inclusive education and training system for all its citizens, and to support sustainable national growth. The Guidelines covers all levels of education and all types of learning.

The objectives to be achieved in education are set in the light of global developments such as the digital transformation, demographic change and changes in the structure of employment. It also takes into account the specific challenges facing Latvia, such as the insufficient competitiveness of the teaching profession, unequal educational opportunities between urban and rural schools, low motivation to participate in adult education and other aspects.

Main activities in the field of digital transformation:

  • increasing the supply of e-learning in vocational, higher and adult education;
  • development of e-learning tools and support materials; development of e-learning platforms;
  • development of digital and transversal competences: critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, self-directed learning, collaboration, civic participation, digital literacy.

Ministry of Education and Science principles and values:

The Ministry operates according to the principles of openness, transparency and accountability to facilitating dialogue with the public by sharing information and providing extensive explanation of the relevant policies.





Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Latvia

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.
  • Digital skills for all
  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.